A mariner accused of raping college student loses ability to work at sea, but escapes criminal charges

CNN  —  In a high-profile case that rocked the commercial shipping industry, a sailor accused of raping a student from the US Merchant Marine Academy has agreed to surrender his credential to work on ships, but he will not be criminally prosecuted. Longtime merchant mariner Edgar Sison voluntarily surrendered his government-issued credential last week after … Read more

Florida colleges bathroom rule: Staff can now be fired if they use a restroom that doesn’t correspond with their gender assigned at birth, new rules say

CNN  —  Florida education officials on Wednesday unanimously approved harsher penalties against state college employees who violate a new law barring them and students from using restrooms or changing facilities for a gender other than the one assigned at birth. The move by the state board of education comes as LGBTQ advocates have criticized the … Read more

An elementary student died and 23 others injured after their Ohio school bus was hit on first day of class

CNN  —  An elementary student was killed and 23 other students were injured – including one with life-threatening injuries – after their school bus was hit by a minivan and overturned on the first day of school. The accident occurred on state Route 41 in German Township, Ohio, on Tuesday morning, the Ohio State Highway … Read more

Girls to design Africa’s first private space satellite

Story highlights Africa will launch its first private satellite into space It’s been built by schoolgirls CNN  —  They may be teenagers, but 17-year-old Brittany Bull and 16-year-old Sesam Mngqengqiswa have grand ambitions – to launch Africa’s first private satellite into space in 2019. They are part of a team of high school girls from … Read more