Princess Alexandra Hospital connects with all four UK mobile operators

In the modern healthcare sector, robust IT and communications are fundamental to reliable and safe operations (of all kinds), and looking to provide 4G connectivity to a key part of its estate, the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT) has concluded a project with connectivity infrastructure-as-a-service provider Freshwave to design, deploy and provide ongoing support … Read more

Ericsson aims to boost enterprise 5G

As standalone next-generation networks begin to ramp up across the world, Ericsson has unveiled a new strategy for enterprise-driven 5G network adoption, looking to make it more accessible and effective, and aiming to enhance operational efficiency and enable advanced applications across various business environments. Putting the new plan of action into context, the comms tech … Read more

Slow, unreliable workplace broadband holds back London SMEs

As one would expect, London is a hotspot for leading-edge connectivity, yet a study from G.Network has warned that despite the widespread availability of gigabit services across the UK’s capital, the city’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are still grappling with slow and unreliable broadband, and potentially missing out on an estimated £28bn in annual … Read more

Vodafone/Three merger likely to increase mobile prices, warns competition watchdog

The UK competition watchdog has warned that the proposed merger of mobile network operators Vodafone and Three is likely to lead to higher prices and reduced services – but is asking the companies to propose ways to mitigate against any such negative outcome. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) kicked off an investigation into the … Read more