Princess Alexandra Hospital connects with all four UK mobile operators

In the modern healthcare sector, robust IT and communications are fundamental to reliable and safe operations (of all kinds), and looking to provide 4G connectivity to a key part of its estate, the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT) has concluded a project with connectivity infrastructure-as-a-service provider Freshwave to design, deploy and provide ongoing support … Read more

‘Failing the stress test’: UN chief calls for global finance overhaul

“The international financial architecture, crafted in 1945 after the Second World War, is undergoing a stress test of historic proportions – and it is failing that test”, argues UN Secretary-General António Guterres in a 2023 policy brief. He points out that unsustainable levels of debt are crippling many poor countries, to the extent that they are … Read more

French jihadist linked to Charlie Hebdo attackers stands trial for terrorism-related offences

French jihadist Peter Cherif, who was in regular contact with the brothers who carried out the 2015 attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, went on trial in Paris Monday. Cherif, who has not been formally charged over the attack, is on trial for terrorism-related offences allegedly committed between 2011 and 2018 as well as the … Read more